Working to bring new innovations to the world

Move Science Forward
The most intractable challenges of our time can't wait to be solved by a finite group of researchers within a single company's walls. We started Halo to unite scientists from across the R&D spectrum to solve hard problems, bring new innovations to the world and move science forward.
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Halo Awards
Halo Marketplace on a laptop
Remove Barriers to Progress
Scientists spend as much as 40% of their time applying for government grants. Instead of doing paperwork, scientists should do what they do best - research. And companies, which are actively seeking new research and innovation in their fields, should be able to more easily tap into the world's braintrust of scientists.

We designed Halo from the ground up to make it easier for scientists and companies to identify mutual interests and opportunities to collaborate.

For corporate R&D teams, we empower them to discover new technologies, develop relationships with the scientists behind them, and fill their innovation pipelines. And for scientists, we help them uncover new applications for their work, find alternative sources of funding, and identify industry partners to advance their research. Halo Marketplace
Haoran Wei, PhD
Halo is a unique platform that helps me connect with potential industry partners and gets me to know their very specific needs. Submitting a proposal on Halo was also extremely easy. Shortly after submitting, I was notified that it had been advanced to the next round.
Haoran Wei, PhD
Haoran Wei, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison - USA
Charles Stack
NeoChloris is totally burned out applying to government SBIR, FOA from DOE, NSF, etc. Our best successes have been dealing directly with client companies to solve their problems, so your tool is a great “match-making” site for a company like ours! We don't pursue basic research, only high level applied research with practical/economical results.
Charles Stack
Charles Stack, CTO
NeoChloris - USA
Elizabeth Ocampo
I think all of these funding opportunities are really interesting. Not only are they in fields where my university excels, but they are on topics that are strategically important to university leadership. Thank you for developing the platform.
Elizabeth Ocampo
Elizabeth Ocampo, Director of Development
Oregon State University - USA
Robert A. Taylor, PhD
Compared to other proposals I've submitted, using Halo was a breeze. It was easy to set up a profile, the website worked well across all my devices, and I really liked the autosave feature. I hope more sponsors funding agencies will adopt this type of system!
Robert A. Taylor, PhD
Robert A. Taylor, PhD, Associate Professor
University of New South Wales, Sydney - Australia
Changbin Chen
Wonderful opportunities for researchers who seek to connect their research to industry and benefit our society.
Changbin Chen
Changbin Chen, Associate Professor
Arizona State University - USA
Tengxiang Lian
Through Halo I am able learn about opportunities with great companies. More importantly, it makes it possible to apply to those projects that interest me. The platform's timely email alerts and application status reminders make me comfortable with the process. I know the platform will have a bright future.
Tengxiang Lian
Tengxiang Lian, Research Associate
South China Agricultural University - China
Khalid Alam, PhD
Quick and easy. Halo's platform solves the biggest pain points that researchers face - the time it takes to write a proposal and the excessive time it takes to hear anything back. I submitted a proposal and in less than a week was on the phone with the industry partner.
Khalid Alam, PhD
Khalid Alam, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO
Stemloop - USA
Frank Merante
Excellent and diversified opportunities that appeal to both myself and my colleagues.
Frank Merante
Frank Merante, Professor
Seneca College - Canada
Linda Bartoshuk, PhD
Why didn't someone think of this years ago? This is a wonderful way to connect industries with scientists that have relevant ideas. I hope you are maintaining information about your successes.
Linda Bartoshuk, PhD
Linda Bartoshuk, PhD, Professor
University of Florida - USA
Robert Evans
I am amazed at the process efficiency and how the opportunity was brought to my attention in the first place.
Robert Evans
Robert Evans, CEO
MChem Tech - Malaysia
Paul Westerhoff, PhD, PE, BCEE
Through Halo I've been able to connect and collaborate with partners that see applications for my research in areas I hadn't imagined. I submitted a brief research concept through the Halo website, and ending up making a pitch to a company I knew nothing about previously. Now we are in the final rounds of negotiating a quarter million dollar research project.
Paul Westerhoff, PhD, PE, BCEE
Paul Westerhoff, PhD, PE, BCEE, Principal Investigator
Arizona State University - USA
Yuri Peña
Halo is a great way to connect with partners. It is a really fast and efficient way to present ideas. Your website is easy, intuitive, and clean. I am satisfied with the support and personalized attention. Keep up adding more members to this network.
Yuri Peña
Yuri Peña, Principal Investigator
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur - Mexico
David Jassby, PhD
Working with the Halo platform made my life a lot easier! My proposal was rapidly screened, and I was connected quickly to the sponsoring entity. In addition, and very importantly, the initial proposal was short and focused, which saved me (and I'm sure the sponsor) a lot of time. I certainly hope that more sponsors will use this platform - it will make the proposal process a (little) less painful for everyone!
David Jassby, PhD
David Jassby, PhD, Principal Investigator
University of California, Los Angeles - USA
Oleg Stukalov
Previously, open innovation platforms were seen unfavorably by researchers in the universities I worked in. So far, you guys at Halo have created a more trustworthy environment and made personal connections to corporate partnership offices. I look forward to continuing on this path!
Oleg Stukalov
Oleg Stukalov, Corporate Relations
University of Waterloo - Canada
Alan Koncarevic, PhD
Academic collaborations with industry often come about organically, due to existing relationships, geographic proximity, or even serendipity. Halo is working to make these collaborations happen more frequently and deliberately.
Alan Koncarevic, PhD
Alan Koncarevic, PhD, Assistant Vice Chancellor Corporate Partnerships
University of Illinois at Chicago - USA
Deborah Berhanu
You are fostering collaboration in the most efficient way.
Deborah Berhanu
Deborah Berhanu, Researcher
Fashion Institute of Technology - USA
Simerjeet Kaur
I have already told my colleague about Halo. It has many benefits: 1. A one-stop shop for many solutions; 2. Great offers from many companies; 3. Easy to apply for RFPs; 4. I found it simple and easy to use.
Simerjeet Kaur
Simerjeet Kaur, Principal Agronomist
Punjab Agricultural University - India
Venkataramana Sridhar
It is very easy to use. I also attended your webinar which was very helpful. I can't thank you enough for having made the submission process so easy.
Venkataramana Sridhar
Venkataramana Sridhar, Professor
Virginia Tech - USA
Javier Izguierdo
Very straightforward application process for applied research funding opportunities that are specific in scope.
Javier Izguierdo
Javier Izguierdo, Professor
Hofstra University - USA
Kathy Collins
Halo is an invaluable resource for campus-industry engagement.
Kathy Collins
Kathy Collins, VP Economic Development
Madison Region Economic Partnership - USA

Our team

Sahee Abdelmomin
Sahee Abdelmomin
Innovation Scout
Chidi Afamefule
Chidi Afamefule
Innovation Scout
Aya Alame
Aya Alame
Senior Marketing Specialist
Kyle Andruczk
Kyle Andruczk
Software Engineer
Trevor Baker
Trevor Baker
Head of Product
Maria Luisa Bertolini
Maria Luisa Bertolini
Innovation Scout
Michael Cimorelli
Michael Cimorelli
Innovation Scout
Karis Brinn D'alessandro
Karis Brinn D'alessandro
Innovation Scout
Kate DeMeulenaere
Kate DeMeulenaere
Innovation Scout
Faniya Doswell
Faniya Doswell
Innovation Scout
Lila Durtschi
Lila Durtschi
Growth Specialist
Zoë Gibson
Zoë Gibson
Head of Growth
Jake Gilfix
Jake Gilfix
Head of Business Operations
Neil Granberry
Neil Granberry
Marketplace Operations Lead
Evan Grand
Evan Grand
Software Engineer
Marissa Gutoff
Marissa Gutoff
Innovation Scout
Chinenye Izuegbunam
Chinenye Izuegbunam
Innovation Scout
Erin LeBoeuf
Erin LeBoeuf
Innovation Scout
Kevin Leland
Kevin Leland
CEO / Founder
Max Marcus
Max Marcus
Innovation Scout
Carolina Mazo
Carolina Mazo
Innovation Scout
Alexander Novokhodko
Alexander Novokhodko
Innovation Scout
Sheena Pulapaka
Sheena Pulapaka
Head of Business Development
Natalie Rutkowski
Natalie Rutkowski
Innovation Scout
Amir Sharif
Amir Sharif
Software Engineer
Erik von Stackelberg
Erik von Stackelberg
Head of Design
Leonid Svyatov
Leonid Svyatov
Software Engineer
Eden Wallace
Eden Wallace
Community and Partnerships Specialist
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